life – The Squishy Monster Video Recipes – DIY's – Island Life – Travel – Natural Living – Minimalism Sat, 14 Mar 2020 09:56:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Fun & Festive Christmas Treats Sat, 22 Dec 2018 16:00:41 +0000 read more]]>

This fresh Korean cream cake is my absolute favorite cake of all time.  If you’ve never had an Asian bakery style cake, you’re really missing out.  The fluffy chiffon cake layers are the only base worthy enough to slather liberally with the light and airy frosting it’s traditionally paired with.  The taste is subtly sweet and citrusy with a light as a feather texture and a fresh fruit crown, making it one of my most popular recipes here on the blog.

My chocolate peppermint cookies are a great versatile cookie that I often turn into my hot cocoa cookies.  These are soft and cakey cookies that just scream festive holiday flare.

If you’re looking for something effortless yet tasty, my “Christmas crack” aka chocolate saltine toffee is for you.  It’s a very forgiving, set it and forget kind of recipe in the vein of crispy rice squares or muddy buddies.  The bonus is that it doesn’t take that much more effort to make a party sized tray of these or to jazz it up with sprinkles, fleur de sel, toasted nuts, candies/caramel drizzle/marshmallows, white chocolate or graham crackers.

My snowball cookies are great if you’re looking for cookies with a longer shelf life.  Tip: ceylon cinnamon really kicks these up a notch.

Finally, if you’re looking for a treat that you can make ahead and not have to worry about, my no-bake cookie dough truffles are a great option.

Tip: rum can be substituted for the milk and vanilla extract for boozy holiday truffles.

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My Easy DIY Facial Oil Blends Sat, 18 Aug 2018 16:00:00 +0000 read more]]>

My recent favorite has been a blend of argan oil with frankincense and myrrh.  It’s what I call the wisemen’s oil since it features 3 simple yet powerful and effective ingredients: argan oil aka liquid gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Argan oil contains antioxidants, vitamins a and e as well as oleic and linoleic fatty acids.  This means that it can help blur fine lines and wrinkles, increase cell turnover and overall moisture, reduce inflammation and improve skins permeability.  This last quality makes it ideal as an essential oil carrier.  This is why I use it in my homemade facial lotion.  I particularly love frankincense and myrrh for its anti-aging benefits.  This trio has now become my favorite go-to blend for my night time facial oil.  Night time is when I really like to bring in the big guns as the product will continue to deeply absorb throughout the night.  I store this oil in an amber bottle and keep a bit of it in an amber eye roller for an eye serum/treatment that glides on effortlessly.

To make this, I simply add about 1 oz of cold pressed argan oil to my bottle and drop in 6-12 drops each of frankincense and myrrh.  This varies depending on how strong you want your oil to be but it also depends on how high quality the essential oils you are sourcing are.  Shake it up and you’re done.

If you’re looking to add more dimension to your skin care routine, check out my anti-aging eye cream and anti-aging serum.

Let me know if you’re interested in a day time/natural sun protection facial oil blend.

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How To Elevate Your Mornings And Have A Great Day! Sat, 11 Aug 2018 16:00:17 +0000 read more]]>

Morning times were typically rough for me growing up.  I often associated them with a groan to start the day, dragging myself up at the crack of dawn for school, and being met by the cold and grey outside world.  No wonder it took me most of my adult life to finally greet morning times in a more warm and friendly way.  To start, moving to the Caribbean did wonders.  Since our move, I haven’t relied on waking with an alarm clock.  Instead, I find myself more in tune with my internal clock and wake when the curtains illuminate with the sun.  I think it also helps that we sleep with all of our windows open year round.  If it’s a particularly slow start that morning, the birds make sure they finish the job.  You can watch our minimalist morning routine and I can assure you that bright eyed and bushy tailed wasn’t always the case.  The following are what shifted morning times from a rigid necessity to an intimate welcome into the day.

When you first wake up, breathe and stretch deeply.  Wait 15-30 minutes before letting the world come in.  Take this time for yourself.  Meditate, journal, contemplate, soak in gratitude.  Definitely put off checking your phone first thing.  Instead, pay attention to your breath, let thoughts come and go and be in the moment.

Draw the blinds, pull the curtains back, open the windows.  Smile into the sun.  The vitamin D alone is highly beneficial.

Love what is.  Let’s say you have a crazy day planned.  This quiet moment of reflection is the time to remember all the blessings that surround you.  If you’re journaling, think about what lends the most energy to you and what drains it the most.  Is the latter worthwhile?  Can something shift?  Focus on what makes you happy and do more of that.

Listen to inspiring audio books, podcasts or affirmations while you finish up the rest of your morning tasks like brushing your teeth or drinking your lemon water.

Bonus: if life hits you with something hard, pause.  Let those thoughts be thoughts then be done with it.  Pause and think of 5-10 things you’re really grateful for and breathe in fully and deeply- hold it for a few seconds then slooowly exhale.  Remember that you are not your failures.  What matters is how you respond to them and allowing it to strengthen you for the better.


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How To Handle Negative Thoughts Sat, 04 Aug 2018 16:00:53 +0000 read more]]>

Last week, I was so overcome by the day, I started crying.  A slew of unfortunate events had begun to pile up and I just started wailing.  I recognized I was under stress and noticed the negative thoughts swimming in my head.  I cried it out and you know what?  Two things happened.  The release made me feel better almost immediately and afterwards I drank a cup of tea and put on some music and that made me feel even better!  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to be more aware of my negative self-talk.  We all do it.  Even the best of us are susceptible to it but it can just begin and end as a thought.

Don’t give it power.  When that nasty negative Nancy rears her ugly head, understand and realize that those thoughts are just in your head and you have the choice and freedom to allow it to end there.  After all, can she breathe or talk?  Can you touch her?  Where is she but just in your thoughts.  She only has power if you give it to her.

Be aware.  Don’t believe her.  This too shall pass.  Thought distortions can be unbelievably compelling and persistent.  Things to consider: more things exist in the grey areas, not black and white.  Don’t take things personally and remember the good and positive sides to the situation too.  When you’re deep in the negative well, it’s easy to imagine all that can go wrong but stop and consider what could go right!

Turn towards gratitude.  This always puts me in a completely different element and that alone can be powerful.  If you’re often plagued by negative thoughts, journaling can be immensely helpful.  Start small.  Scribble down just a few things a day that are good.  Build upon that.

Practice mindfulness and slooooow it down.  If you find your thoughts are beginning to race, consider some grounding techniques.  Pet your pup.  Look around in the room you’re in and notice the details, breathe in deeply, hold it in for a few seconds then exhale slowly, listen to music and dance!  Be here in the now.  Love what is.

Get outside.  Be active.  Swim naked, wiggle your bare feet in the sand or dirt, park your butt on the grass and read, hike to the top of a mountain and scream it out, run to a beautiful scenic spot and just breathe- just get outside, even if it’s just to spend a couple hours by the pool or swing in a hammock.  Literally stop and smell the flowers and sometimes, allow yourself a good cry.  You’re ok.

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Things I Don’t Ever Buy + What I Use Instead Mon, 30 Jul 2018 12:00:46 +0000 read more]]> buy_things

I’ve been a minimalist since before it was a trending hashtag.  It was just the way of life in our family.  We didn’t grow up with much and had to make do with what we had.  This turned me into a resourceful adult and today, it’s just second nature.  It aligns with my love for Mother Earth and understanding the great costs that can come at her expense.  If you’re just starting on your minimalist journey or want to learn more, I created posts on 7 tips for minimalism and how to minimize waste.

Straws (or any one time use plastics or paper for that matter).  Bottles like hydro flasks keep my smoothies cool at the beach while gigantic bpa-free reusable water bottles keep me hydrated all day.  Silicone baking liners instead of parchment paper are wonderfully efficient and glass or metal straws are used instead of disposable ones.

No fast fashion (trendy clothes or decor) just pieces I know will endure.  I pretty much own 5 or 6 outfits that I rotate as need be.  A decade ago, I would have shuddered at the thought of this but despite what the media and fashion industries tell you, you don’t need the latest fashion accessories.  Often, the production of this comes at a steep cost {not just to the environment but to human welfare} and that alone made me reconsider this.

Facial Products: products that I apply directly to my skin were one of the very first things I “cleaned up” when purging out toxic chemicals in my life.  It is our largest organ and we absorb so much of it into our bloodstream.  I have an entire dedicated video playlist and section for my own DIY recipes that are much better for both you and the environment.

Deodorant: I use this homemade deodorant instead.  Keep in mind that your body will experience a detox of all the conventional buildup for a couple months before it adjusts to this cleaner homemade version.  It has now gotten to the point where I only need the tiniest amount.

Physical media: it’s almost become a novelty in terms of cost, space, and environmental damage.  Consider a curated collection to cut cost and space if you must.  I’ve converted all if not most of my physical media into digital copies, minus a few of my ancient books.

Household cleaners: I either use castile soap or vinegar for most surfaces and diluted bleach for heavier jobs.  I replaced all of my paper products with reusable ones but sometimes, it’s just rags from old t-shirts and the like.

Small changes like storing leftovers in reusable containers instead of plastic zip bags, switching to loose leaf tea, taking your own mug to the coffee shop or replacing cotton pads for a biodegradable konjac sponge are just a few examples of cutting down on monthly purchases while being more environmentally friendly at the same time.

*Beginning in August, I will be releasing new posts every Saturday from then on.  As always, you can find me daily on instagram.  Let me know if you’d like me to cover any specific topics.  Thank you for being here!


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July 2018 Favorites Wed, 18 Jul 2018 12:00:15 +0000 read more]]> healthier-banana-bread

Myrrh essential oil is the newest one to join my collection and I’ve been primarily using it in my DIY facial oil blend (blog to come) or in my no waste homemade toothpaste which is just an eyeballed mixture of baking soda, coconut oil, ceylon cinnamon, food grade bentonite clay, and myrrh EO.  I keep it in an amber glass jar for a week or two.

Our egg fruit aka canistel and yellow sapote are coming in now and I’m very excited to whip it up into pies and ice cream (or smoothies, puddings, creme brûlée, etc) .  You can watch me cut into one and taste it in my Tropical Fruit Farm post.

I’ve been enjoying these healthier banana breads in bed with my husband over tea and coffee the past two Saturdays and it’s been just heavenly.  Despite all the articles that say you shouldn’t eat in bed, it’s one of the few indulgent guilty pleasures I like to savor during the weekends and I highly recommend it!

Healthier Banana Bread
Prep time

Cook time

Total time


Serves: two individual 4″ breads

  • ½ cup spelt flour
  • ¼ ts baking soda
  • ¼ ts pink salt
  • ½ tb flax powder + 1½ tb water
  • 1 brown spotty banana
  • 3 tb brown sugar
  • ½ ts ceylon cinnamon
  • 2 tb apple sauce
  • 2 tb coconut milk
  • ½ ts apple cider vinegar
  • ½ ts pure vanilla extract
  • Walnuts

  1. In the dry bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine the flax powder and water. Whisk to combine. Set aside.
  3. In a separate wet bowl, mash the banana then add in the sugar, cinnamon, apple sauce, coconut milk, apple cider vinegar, and vanilla.
  4. After this wet bowl is thoroughly mixed, add in the combined flax and water. This is your egg replacement.
  5. In two or three separate additions, sprinkle in the dry bowl of ingredients to your wet.
  6. Do not over mix. A few lumps are fine. Only mix to combine, no more.
  7. Pour into two well greased 4″ springform pans and press as many walnuts as you want on the top.
  8. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes.



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Natural Liver Detox + Detox Juice Recipe Wed, 11 Jul 2018 16:00:51 +0000 read more]]>

Today, I’m bringing you 5 easy ways to keep your liver healthy and happy for optimal health and energy. Our liver is our first line of defense and acts as our body’s primary filtration system.  It is one of our most important organs as it flushes out toxins, purifies our blood and metabolizes nutrients.  Keeping it healthy can also mean healthier brighter skin, stronger and more efficient systems and years added to our life.


1. Milk Thistle contains antioxidants that protect the liver and help to regenerate cells while helping to cleanse the blood.  We often source this in supplement or tea form in our house.

2. Dandelion Root maintains the proper flow of bile which helps enzymes in our bodies to break down fats into fatty acids.  Every part of the dandelion flower is actually edible and beneficial.

3. Red Clover also helps to cleanse our blood but is also a bit of a blood thinner and should be avoided with certain medical conditions or during menstruation.  I take this most often as a loose leaf tea.

4. Turmeric is a liver cell regenerator and helps to stimulate enzymes responsible for flushing out toxins and carcinogens.  Fresh is best but powdered will work in a pinch.

5. Fresh, cold pressed juice that includes organic beets, lemon, celery, ginger, cilantro and dandelion greens.  This combination is very cleansing and purifying, ideal for liver detoxification.  As an added bonus, celery and cilantro are thought to flush out heavy metals from our systems.

For J, I make a turmeric ginger tea with black pepper {for better bioavailability} to work as an anti-inflammatory tonic.  For a more comprehensive drink, I’ll blend it with all of the above {minus the juice} for a naturally detoxifying tea.  I’ll also switch up our green smoothies with the fresh pressed juice.  Fresh dandelion greens have a tendency to be bitter so a bit of apple, pear or carrot can help mask that but usually, I’ll just have this without any added fruit for optimal absorption.  The lemon in this juice keeps it fresh for up to 3 days but it’s definitely best to drink immediately.

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What is Toner and Why I Started Using it Mon, 11 Jun 2018 16:00:05 +0000 read more]]>

What is toner?

Most often, it is a liquid meant to act as a secondary cleanser for the skin.  In my teens, I used to swipe an astringent mess all over my skin, only succeeding in agitating my breakouts and drying out my skin.  The toners of today are completely different and not only clean and prep the skin but also help to lock in moisture.

What are its benefits?

  • Great for oily/acne prone skin
  • Thoroughly cleanses the skin
  • Preps skin for serum/moisturizer
  • Minimizes pores
  • Refreshes the skin and restores its pH balance

Why I use toner:

Living in the Caribbean, I wear a ton of sunscreen.  I long ago abandoned wearing a full face of makeup but between the salt water, sweat and layers of sunscreen, it can really add up.  I became a believer in toner when I used it after cleansing and it was still able to pick up gunk that my cleanser had left behind.

What I use:

I use raw apple cider vinegar with the mother or organic rose water.  Both help clean my pores, tone my skin and promote cell turnover.  I find that ACV is better for days with heavier buildup while the rose water is best for daily use.  As an added bonus, both are great for your hair as well.


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Vegan Food in Kenya Sat, 02 Jun 2018 16:00:26 +0000 read more]]>

As you may or may not know, I’ve recently focused more on a plant-based diet for a number of reasons.  I feel so passionate about it that I’m even releasing a new recipe e-book soon.  Needless to say, I was a bit nervous about traveling while eating healthy.  This shift has not only allowed me to shed all the extra weight I packed on from the stress of the hurricanes, I have never felt better both mentally and physically since taking the care to really nourish my body with hydrating, nutrient rich, whole foods.  I’m happy to report that it was pretty effortless in Africa {and looking back, it was just as easy in Thailand}.

We stayed at 4 lodges in the 7 days we were there in order to get a diverse safari experience at parks across Kenya.  Breakfast was typically buffet style and had a huge assortment of fresh local fruits, juices, homemade breads, freshly cut veggies/salads and more.

J actually enjoyed African papaya and that’s saying a lot since he’s not usually a fan of papaya in general.  I would typically start off with a huge plate of those along with watermelon, orange slices, pineapple and sometimes mango {which were rare since they weren’t quite in season yet}.

My second plate would be filled with potatoes, rice and veggies or sometimes more fruit and lots and lots of yummy dates.

We got a chance to peruse a local market.  It wasn’t part of our jam packed itinerary but I’m so glad I asked.  I was rewarded with these black lilikoi that tasted like sour patch kids.  J was a huge fan of the local coffee {as seen in the corner here}.

Lunch was normally a box lunch which you’ll see in my safari video.  It varied as we moved but included things like local juice, bread, fresh fruit, pasta and chickpea patties.

Supper was almost always a lavish affair whether it be a 4 course service or buffet and it was normal to see a menu divided into western and Indian cuisine.  The latter meant a ton of delicious hot chapati or papadum, a diverse assortment of curries and Indian foods that I had never had before.  Every night, there was also an impressive salad and pasta station, an assortment of rice offerings and a ton of fresh veggies, fruits and beans/lentils.

This was a particularly memorable dish as it featured some of the richest curried butter beans I’ve ever tasted along with bread that had a striking resemblance to the Johnny cakes found on St. Croix.

Stewed cauliflower, green beans and lentils served with spice infused basmati, freshly made bread, steamed broccoli and fresh local citrus – all from the buffet line.

The salad course: fresh beet salad: just one of the many examples of naturally vegan dishes on our trip that even J enjoyed.

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How to Minimize Waste – Zero Waste Mon, 26 Mar 2018 16:00:23 +0000 read more]]>

DIY.  I’m a huge DIY lover as you can probably tell from my video recipes I’ve shared with you over the years.  However, beyond taking a more natural approach, it also dramatically cuts down on packaging.  It seriously pains me when I see elaborately packaged goods being torn into and tossed carelessly into a trash bin.  In my videos, you’ll often see containers being reused over and over again with raw materials like wax or essential oils getting repurposed into a multitude of ways.  As an added bonus, making your own products also saves a ton of money!

Take your own reusable bags or containers.  I’m happy to report that though our little island is still behind on recycling efforts, we no longer give away plastic bags at the grocery store.  This has encouraged our community to bring reusable bags.  If you live in a place that offers bulk foods, consider taking your own jars to fill.  When picking out fruit and veggies, they even make reusable produce bags for those as well.

Say no to straws.  Say no to plastic.  I hope to see a huge reduction of plastic use in my lifetime.  Not only does it take an eternity to break down or end up in our oceans, BPA’s are also a concern.  Even on our island, we have begun limiting straw use much like many cities around the states.  I think the many on-island workshops explaining how plastic can hurt our wildlife has finally begun resonating with people.  I recently met a local who brings her own utensils and cups to parties.  If you must use a straw, they make plenty of stainless steel, glass or bamboo ones that are reusable.

Recycle-Reduce-Reuse.  This goes without saying but in a society where the newest, most sparkly thing is the most coveted, think outside the box.  Consider purchasing second hand or stretching out the use of what you already have or repurposing it for something else.

Adopt a minimalist outlook.  I’m proud to say that minimalism has brought me more freedom than piles of things.  I think I own all of 10 outfits and I’m more than ok with that.  With my minimalist outlook, it’s supported my focus on the simpler joys in life.

L: egg fruit R: a collection of carambola, mango and avocado – all local fruits

Consume local.  Extra energy and resources go in to bringing you that apple from across the state.  Think about the emissions/packaging/pollution that go in to bringing these goods to you.  When you eat local, it’s the shortest field-to-fork journey while retaining more of the nutrients.  Plus, you’re reinvesting in your local economy.

Pick up trash whenever you see it.  I hate to see it, but there’s trash when you go anywhere.  It’s particularly heartbreaking when it’s on a beautiful hiking trail or beach, as is the case here.  My husband and I made a pact long ago that whenever we’re out, we’ll take as much trash with us as we can.

Collect gray water to reuse in your garden and grow your own food!  This has made a considerable difference as we do our best to grow as much as we can which takes a lot of water.  On our island, we solely depend on cistern {rain} water and it’s always been a smart practice to collect it and I’m happy to report that I’ve now finessed the sweet spot of being able to water my plants with mostly recaptured water.


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